Colts Football Operations
Senior Colts / Junior Colts level:
- All coaches are required to have a minimum of level 1 AFL coaching accreditation.
- Players are expected to attend trainings and participate to their full potential. When players are unavailable to attend trainings or games, they are to advise their coaches directly.
- Players are expected to attend game days in Rooster clothing and behave in a manner that represents the club positively.
- Players are expected to Boundary Umpire / run water for the grade above and will be rostered on to do so.
- Players are expected to assist with other volunteering duties where appropriate.
- It is general philosophy that all players are encouraged to compete at the highest level at which they are required and deemed capable of playing.
- When excess numbers of players exist within a team every effort will be made to ensure the fairest participation for all players.
- Accurate records of training and selections must be maintained by coaches. Selection should be weighted in favour of older players but should endeavour to have all available players play at least 50% of all matches providing they abide by the Code of Conduct and training requirements.
- In the event of insufficient numbers being available to fill a team, the best suited (stature / ability / emotional maturity) players from the next lower grade should be strongly encouraged to play up in the higher team on a temporary or permanent basis depending on the requirement. This decision will be made by a selection panel of both Coaches (lower and higher team level) and a minimum of two Colts Committee members. Any player that is selected to play in a higher level must have parental / guardian consent to do so prior to the player being advised of the selection and permitted to play up.
- Players who occasionally fill in for a higher-level team should not be penalised if the grade they normally play in is subject to a rotating player roster.
- A maximum of six players are permitted to play up in a higher-level team on any given day.
- Selection panels are not restricted when selecting teams for finals matches except that all available players for that grade must be selected prior to selecting players from a lower grade.
- In exceptional circumstances, the Colts Committee and if required the Senior Committee will have the final decision (with the consultation of the players parent/s or guardians directly and player/s) regarding playing a player in a higher level in finals and exceptional circumstances. This decision will be made in line with our club’s philosophy, strategical plan, and overall player wellbeing in mind holistically.
SANFL Selections:
Consistent with the philosophy of encouraging our players to aspire to higher levels, players who are available for selection after playing with SANFL clubs shall not be discriminated against providing they have displayed appropriate conduct in relation to communication with selectors, attendance and attitude to training (where reasonable) and motivation to be a part of SFC teams.
Players who are required to play for their School/College who make themselves available for selection shall not be discriminated against providing they have displayed appropriate conduct in relation to communication with selectors, attendance and attitude to training (where reasonable) and motivation to be a part of SFC teams.
The intention of this policy is that as much as possible players should not be discriminated against or be given preferential treatment due to their participation in SANFL or school teams.
If players in these circumstances are not selected the onus is on the selection panel to be able to demonstrate justification as to their non-selection in accordance with club policy.
Selection panels are encouraged to seek clarification/direction from the Junior Development Coordinator in relation to this policy.
Minis / Moddies:
- All coaches are required to have a minimum of level 1 AFL coaching accreditation.
- Players are expected to attend trainings and participate to their full potential. When players are unavailable to attend trainings or games, their parent / caregiver are to advise their coaches directly.
- Players are expected to Boundary Umpire / run water for the grade above and will be rostered on to do so (Minis only).
- Encouragement awards will be distributed evenly to all players throughout the season. These are based on; demonstrating club values, improvement, attitude and effort. Records will be kept of all awards issued to ensure that all players are evenly rewarded.
- Any players identified as having their skills limited by playing in their age level will be required to play at least a minimum of 2 games in their selected age group to be observed and assessed by a selection panel of a minimum of 2 committee members.
For further information and direct access to all our SFC Club Policies, SANFL, ALF policies that we are governed by please then please refer to our website at