
2021 Colts Player and Family Handbook

Player Medical, Health & Wellbeing

At SFC we ensure that football matches at all levels will be played in good quality environments and that the safety of our participants is central to that environment.  All teams / age groups are required to have a Sports Trainer or First Aider designated to that team during every game. For our younger age groups, the Trainer is required to have a minimum of a First Aid Certificate. For our Junior / Senior Colt teams the Trainer is required to have a minimum of a First Aid Certificate and Level 1 Sports Trainers Accreditation. During training sessions, a Trainer may not always be present. Therefore, we ask that if you have any specific concerns prior to a training session that you contact our Head Trainer for advice and speak with your Coach and Team Manager prior to the commencement of the training session.

Medical Forms:

All players are required to complete a Medical Form prior to the commencement of the season. Please ensure that you complete this form and return it to your Team Manager. A copy of the medical form can be accessed via our club website, via your Team Manager, or from the Trainers Rooms at the club.

If you have any specific concerns or your child requires specific support or injury management please speak with your Trainer and / or the Head Trainer, Paul ‘Dingo’ Holdsworth. If your child seeks professional medical attention for a specific injury during the season, please ensure that your medical professional provides an injury management plan or advice to our Head Trainer so that we can assist in supporting the players injury management and return to play in line with their current health specialists advice.

Player Safety & Hygiene (including COID-19 restrictions):

All players are required to obtain their own mouthguard, and this must be worn whilst participating in games.

Please note that all jewellry must be removed prior to playing. Any jewellry not removed must either be securely covered with tape or it will be required that it be removed.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions players are required to bring their own drink bottle to both trainings and games. Their drink bottle must be CLEARLY LABELLED with their name. No sharing of drink bottles is permitted.

Players are asked to ‘Check In’ via the My SA Gov app or complete the written check in form at every training and game. Hand sanitizer will be provided for players. All change rooms / trainer’s rooms are sanitized before and after each team cross over.  We ask that Players follow all the COVID-19 rules that the club has in place as part of their COVID Safe plan. Trainers, Coaches and Team Managers will communicate these and ensure any changes to rules are clearly communicated to players.

Concussion Policy:

Please note that we are legally bound to follow the Concussion Policy and processes endorsed by the SANFL. Any player with a suspected concussion will be IMMEDIATELY REMOVED FROM PLAY, and will not be returned to activity until they are assessed medically.  Players and their Caregivers will be provided with a Concussion Management form as well as a medical clearance form that must be completed by a medical professional. This form must be sighted by the Head Trainer prior to a player being permitted to recommence training or games. The Concussion policy, management forms and medical clearances are accessible from the club website.

Becoming a Trainer:

We are always seeking volunteers to join our Trainers group. SFC will cover costs for updating first aid certificates and obtaining Sports Trainers accreditation (if required). We will also provide you with training and support on game days from our fellow experienced Trainers. Being a Trainer is an extremely rewarding role and an excellent way to participate in the team environment. Please contact our Head Trainer for further information or to express your interest:

Paul ‘Dingo’ Holdsworth – Head Trainer        0408 004 2004

Mental Health & Wellbeing:

As a club we believe that football is an important part of all our Colts players development at a holistic level. We are committed to supporting our players to develop not only on the field but off the field also. SFC acknowledges the importance that football plays in supporting players to develop physically, emotionally, and socially.  SFC has now ensured that we have volunteers who have been trained in Mental Health and are happy to support and assist any players or families who may wish to discuss any concerns in this area.  Please feel free to discuss any concerns with your Coaches, Trainers or Team Managers or alternatively you may wish to contact directly our volunteer representatives who have been specifically trained in this area. Our trained Mental Health volunteers are:

Trevor Vowels (Senior Colts Coach) – 0437 111 801

Dan Harbottle (Club Chaplain / Media / Committee Member) – 0418 838 189

Sheena McMullen (Committee Member) – 0403 159 772

Weather Policy:

In extreme weather conditions the Strathalbyn Football Club may decide to modify the schedule of relevant training sessions or trial matches to protect players, officials and other participants from exposure to the elements or physical stress. The Coach and the Manager of Junior Football Development Coordinator has the authority to direct the postponement or cancellation of training and trial match events, if conditions pose an unacceptable risk to the health and safety of participants, officials or spectators. 

In the event of hot weather, the Club’s policy is to cancel trainings where a temperature of 38 °C or higher has been forecast.  If a training session or trial match is cancelled, the Head Coach and Team Manager of each team are responsible for communicating this to all parents and/or players of their specific team. SFC will also endeavour to publicise this information via social media and email at the earliest possible convenience.

For the full details of the Inclement Weather Conditions Policy please refer to the SFC Club website.

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