
What do you think?

The management committee are working up a plan to gain some funding from the state governement for a couple of much needed building projects around the club.

1. Change Room Update

With the rise and sucess of women’s football, we have seen the need to provide suitable change room modifications to cater for women’s football and families. We also have a strong desire to provide women and sfc family a safe and private change room and showering facilities. The plan will involve instating individual showering cubicles and change spaces.

In our submission for funding we have extensive shower modifications for the home and away team change rooms plus some decorating upgrades to keep our club history and values present for players in the change rooms.

2. Formalising/Finishing the Deck Construction

The deck in front of the canteen and towards the sliding doors has proved popular since it’s construction a few years ago for the AFL game held as SFC. This was a temporary structure but, due to it’s popularity, we are looking to formalling instate it. This will involve updating railings and deck construction for longevity with correct decking material.

We would like your opinion and, hopefully support for these couple of developments and invite you to contribute those thoughts below.

We would like to finalise our submission next week so invite you, over the next few days, to submit your feedback on the above.

Thanks you for contributing towards our funding proposal.

This form is currently closed for submissions.

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