We are super excited that football is back!! We have a home ground trial game on the 27th of March v Goolwa-Pt Elliot.
This is a whole club trial game. All grades will be participating. Please ensure your medical forms are completed prior to this game. Please hand into your respective team managers for filing with our trainings.
Our club cannot run without everyone doing their bit. We ask you signup to volunteer in advance for the whole year. We will be publicising all of the volunteer signup links in a post next week but please click the button below to sign up for a volunteer shift on the 27th.
To sign up, just follow the instructions on the page. It only takes a few seconds to do. Thank you for volunteering!
Along with our BBQ and Canteen volunteer roles we have a few new roles we are needing people.
COVID MARSHALS – We require 4 covid marshalls throughout the day. You can do your free covid marshal training online here
CONVENORS – We need a few people to have an oversight of the canteen and BBQ during the day, assisting volunteers and ensuring they have all they need. Training provided for this role
GATE COUNTER – In COVID times we must keep a record of the number of people who come through the gate. This volunteer simply keeps track of people coming in and going out of the grounds on the provided counter.