Saturday’s game v the Mount Barker Football Club has a crowd limit of 300. This does not include coaching staff, or volunteers.
Once we reach our 300 spectator limit we cannot allow any further spectators into the ground. Each club is allotted 150 entries each. Vehicles entering the ground will be required to state the number of spectators entering.
The clubrooms have a max occupancy of 75 and there should only be 25 outside on the verandah. Spectators can position themselves around the ground to view the game. All beer will be served in plastic cups only. No glassware to be taken outside the clubrooms,
Trainer’s room
Maximum of 2 players at any time. Minimum taping by trainers on game day and training nights, players to come pre-taped if possible.
No rubdowns allowed
Players to bring their own water bottle clearly marked and they will need to re-fill.
Change rooms
Only match day personnel allowed, coaches, players, team manager, trainer’s. No use of showers or ice bath.
No spectators allowed around huddle at breaks. Kick to kick allowed with social distancing.
Coaches Box
Use social distancing principles where possible.
If you have flu or cold like symptoms please stay home.
There will be hand sanitizer around the ground and covid cleaning practices will be observed by bar and ground staff. Please use Covid -19 hygiene principles where possible.
If you intend to attend please comment below with the number of non-playing spectators you expect to come with you so we have a rough idea of numbers.
We are here to have a great day but also keep you safe and adhere to the rules and responsibilities. Please follow directions of ground and bar staff plus all announcements over the speakers. Both clubs appreciate your cooperation.