
New Roster Times

Starting from our next home game on the 5th of May v McLaren we have new roster times for the BBQ Shed. We have listened to feedback and are seeking to make volunteering easy and fun at SFC. For those who have already signed up we will allocate you to [ … ]

Bickerstaff reaches 50 games!

An inaugural player in the 2017 season, Kim Bickerstaff has gone from strength to strength each and every season. Bickerstaff started her career as a crafty forward pocket with great foot skills Kim’s confidence grew and soon she was utilising her hard running abilities on the wing. She was the [ … ]

Mother’s Day and Women’s Footy

As Sunday is Mother’s Day, Strathalbyn Footy Club is a bit short on volunteers to run a canteen. We have a coffee van on-site between 8:30am and 12pm but there will not be any food available! We are waiting on confirmation the bar will be open (and what time) with soft drinks, water and [ … ]

Volunteer at Women’s Football

Volunteers are crucial to the sucess of the Roosters, both for our Saturday games AND our women’s football. Please put your name down for a shift on one our our Sunday home games for women’s footy. We are also hosting the GSFLW Grand Final on the 1st of August. Details [ … ]

🐔 Rooster Review – Round 2🐔

Round 2 took our Roosters down to the Willunga Demon’s turf. We have always had a great sporting rivalry with Willunga and Saturday was no different. The Moddies sides saw some super cute, new recruits take to the field. These kids were so pumped to be playing their first games [ … ]

2021 ANZAC Day Volunteering at SFC

Every home game we require over 36 volunteers each doing a 2 hour shift to ensure our home games run smoothly and effectively. This equates to over $23,000 if we had to pay staff to work our facilities. With 15 home games across all genders and grades there are lots [ … ]